Into the Borderlands - The Goblin Caves

 I am currently running Into the Borderlands for my main group. Were using TaleSpire this time to shake things up a bit, and we are using OSE ruleset with a few tweaks here and there.

The party made their way to the Caves of Chaos and we ended the session just before they venture into cave D.

Cave D is full of Goblins but in the spirit of hacking things up I'd like to make Goblins a little more boisterous, icky and downright disgusting.

These Goblins want nothing more than to strip you of your fingernails and toenails. They want to urinate in your porridge with their disgusting steaming streams of acidic piss. They wear clothes made from a random mishmash of trash and objects pilfered from the corpses of men. In short they are little bastards who have no qualms about sneezing rotsnot in your face and stabbing your loved ones in the back.

I will be using reaction rolls on the night so none of this will probably go in any direction I am expecting!

The Rooms 17 - 21

The Goblin section of the caves is made up of 5 rooms, I want to write some notes about each one and what I feel like I will be changing, and/or anything else I think of.

17. Guard Chamber

I will run this room pretty much as is, apart from that barrel of 72 small Javelins. I don't feel like this fits my Goblins and I want them to have some loot that better fits these evil little buggers. I don't think my party would find any use for 72 small Javelins, they already have a 10' pole. Some ideas for what could be in the barrel.

  1. The rotting corpse of a goat
  2. Bubbling stew of shit, trash, fingers and other crap
  3. Nothing but the crusts of bread, all mouldy 
  4. Full of important legal documents, used as kindling and toilet paper
  5. It's full of acidic piss
  6. 72 small Goblin figurines carved from bone, all holding little Javelin's

18. Guard Chamber

This is where one of the Goblins is going to run off and get the attention of the Ogre next door and where the party will here the shrill scream of "BREE-YARK". This one could really go either way, I will probably play the Ogre up as some kind of idiot, possibly forgetting every other turn that he has been paid already. Hopefully to spur on some roleplay with the intention of possibly trying to get the party to negotiate with the Ogre.

19. Common Room

This is a bit of a problem room as far as I can see as it contains 24 Goblins and separates the rest of the dungeon as you have to pass through here. It's not really my problem to solve but I can also imagine the PCs taking a lot of time deciding how to tackle this one, I am going to predict it will involve flasks of oil. I am not going to change anything about this room as it's going to cause enough chaos as is.

20. Chieftain's Room

The big bad Goblin Chieftain is going to be a Goblin spellcaster, there's a decent list of Goblin spells in Knock #2 so I plan to rob one of those to add a little bit of spice to this encounter. I love the idea of a Goblin casting Flying Shadow or Inflamed Mucus!

The treasure in this room will remain the same, although the silver cup maybe full of suspect yellow liquid and the Tapestry could show the owners of the dungeon from B1 in some heroic conquest.

21. Storage Chamber

This is where all the Goblin's stolen food, drink, cloth etc is stored. After a time spent here the party is supposed to see 4 Hobgoblins from cave F come through a secret door looking to steal food. This is still going to happen however I've decided it will be bandits rather than Hobgoblins. Mainly because there straight up isn't any Hobgoblin miniatures in TaleSpire yet. The other reason is I just don't really buy Hobgoblins stealing from Goblins (vice-versa I totally would). A cave full of desperate bandits stealing from Goblins I can totally believe, perhaps they even encourage the Goblin's to rob nearby farms so they can steal from them later. 

Anyway this is my first attempt at hacking up this adventure, I can't wait to see what the party does and where I have to explore next for tinkering and pondering! 


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