Fortunes of Ravenloft

I am running I6 Ravenloft in OSE soon, I wanted to use the Tarokka deck but the original adventure doesn't actually use it at all so I have transplanted some of the Tarokka deck onto the playing cards so I can still use them as a handout in the game rather than just using playing cards.

Fortunes of Ravenloft

Location of the Holy Symbol - Draw one card from Places and Modifiers
This card is a symbol of great power. It tells of a powerful force for good and protection against the forces of darkness.

Location of the Tome of Strahd - Draw one card from Places and Modifiers
This card tells of history. Knowledge of the ancient may help you understand a foe.

Location of the Strahd von Zarovich - Draw one card from Places and Modifiers
This is the object of your search! I see darkness and evil behind this card! It is a powerful man whose enemy is light, and whose powers are beyond mortality!

Location of the Sunsword hilt - Draw one card from Places and Modifiers
This card is good for you. It is a card of power and strength, the victor’s card. It tells of a weapon of light, a weapon with a vengeance.

Strahd’s Goal - Draw one card from Strahd’s Goal
And here is the root card. Out of darkness and chaos, this card finds the reason and foundation for darkness and chaos. This card shows the purpose of all things. It is the key to life and death and else beyond.

Fortunes of Ravenloft: Places

8 of Stars—Necromancer
It is in a place of tranquillity, a harbour for the mighty and powerful. It is in a place of wisdom, warmth, and despair. Great secrets are there.
The treasure lies in Castle Ravenloft’s study (chapter 4, area K37).

9 of Coins—Miser
You should seek for a carefully hidden place of great worldly wealth. I see a blazing fire protecting the place.
The treasure lies in Castle Ravenloft’s treasury (chapter 4, area K41).

Master of Glyphs—Priest
You may find this amid the ruins of a place of supplication.
The treasure lies in Castle Ravenloft’s chapel (chapter 4, area K15).

1 of Stars—Transmuter
This is in a place of dizzying heights that all loathe to travel. The road winds ever upward and the rocks themselves live here!
The treasure lies in Castle Ravenloft’s north tower peak (chapter 4, area K60).

2 of Swords—Paladin
This lies with a fallen prince of old. The brother of dark is light and he rests in this place.
The treasure lies in Sergei’s tomb (chapter 4, area K85).

4 of Glyphs—Shepherd
This is in the mother's place.
The treasure lies in the tomb of King Barov and Queen Ravenovia (chapter 4, area K88).

8 of Swords—Dictator
A king's throne is the place to find this.
The treasure lies in Castle Ravenloft’s audience hall (chapter 4, area K25).

Master of Swords—Warrior
This is a very bad sign. This is in the very heart of darkness: his home, his source. It is his centre and his life. It is the one place to which he must return.
The treasure lies in Strahd’s tomb (chapter 4, area K86).

Fortunes of Ravenloft: Modifiers

Roll 1d4

1. ♥ - There is a very good influence there. If you are there, the powers of good will aid you.
The PCs gain a +1 bonus to hit and a +1 bonus to their AC.

2. ♦ - The diamond blesses your skill there, but bodes poorly for your protection.
The PCs gain a +1 bonus to hit, but suffer a -1 penalty to their AC.

3. ♣ - The club sustains your strength here, but holds you from your victory, taking more time than it otherwise would.
The PCs suffer a -1 penalty to hit, but gain a +1 bonus to their AC.

4. ♠ - The spade is a dark shadow of evil cast over that place. You fight under its influence here.
The PCs suffer a -1 penalty to hit and a -1 penalty to their AC.

Fortunes of Ravenloft: Strahd’s Goal

Nine of Glyphs-Traitor - Strahd seeks a new identity.
Not yet, but soon, one who appears to be your friend will become your enemy.

Artifact - Strahd wants to make a magical sphere of darkness.
This card tells of a tool of evil. Darkness surrounds and protects this tool, giving comfort to black hearts and protection from good.

Tempter - Strahd wants to win the love of Ireena Kolyana.
The darkness loves a light and desires it. Great subtle plans are in motion about you; plans that  the dead may find warmth from the living.

Avenger- Strahd wants the Sunsword.
Here is a high and noble card. One of you carries a weapon that is stronger than any other against the evil in this land. Only one part is missing from this weapon. That part is found in the evil one’s lair.


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