DCO, Knock# 2 and Making an RPG?

Deep Carbon Observatory

My group and I have been playing through Deep Carbon Observatory Remastered by Patrick Stuart and Scrap Princess. We have all been big fans of it so far, and have about half of the dungeon left to explore before we finish up.

I plan to do a write up once we've finished as I'd like to speak to the group about the adventure overall and get more of their take on it as well.

The party are especially loving the isometric maps by Dirk Detweiler Leichty, which is lucky for them as we are going into Silent Titans next.

I created a token to track travel location on roll20 as they ventured through the DROWNED LANDS. Feel free to use it for your own ends.

Knock #2

I'm going to be in Knock #2! Which just finished up the campaign on Kickstarter. I am very excited to be a part of this project and hopefully look forward to working with The Merry Mushmen  more in the future, or actually getting some time together to do my own thing.

Making an RPG?

I am going to be attending webinar with Chris McDowall of Into the Odd and Electric Bastionland fame. It's all about designing your own RPG and I'm excited to be part of it. I plan to write more on this after the event.

Updates to this blog have been sparse due to work and life issues. Nothing overly concerning but my attention is unfortunately diverted elsewhere for the next month or so. 


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