Fortunes of Ravenloft
I am running I6 Ravenloft in OSE soon, I wanted to use the Tarokka deck but the original adventure doesn't actually use it at all so I have transplanted some of the Tarokka deck onto the playing cards so I can still use them as a handout in the game rather than just using playing cards. Fortunes of Ravenloft Location of the Holy Symbol - Draw one card from Places and Modifiers This card is a symbol of great power. It tells of a powerful force for good and protection against the forces of darkness. Location of the Tome of Strahd - Draw one card from Places and Modifiers This card tells of history. Knowledge of the ancient may help you understand a foe. Location of the Strahd von Zarovich - Draw one card from Places and Modifiers This is the object of your search! I see darkness and evil behind this card! It is a powerful man whose enemy is light, and whose powers are beyond mortality! Location of the Sunsword hilt - Draw one card from Places and Modifiers This card is good for you. ...