
Showing posts from October, 2021

Fortunes of Ravenloft

I am running I6 Ravenloft in OSE soon, I wanted to use the Tarokka deck but the original adventure doesn't actually use it at all so I have transplanted some of the Tarokka deck onto the playing cards so I can still use them as a handout in the game rather than just using playing cards. Fortunes of Ravenloft Location of the Holy Symbol - Draw one card from Places and Modifiers This card is a symbol of great power. It tells of a powerful force for good and protection against the forces of darkness. Location of the Tome of Strahd - Draw one card from Places and Modifiers This card tells of history. Knowledge of the ancient may help you understand a foe. Location of the Strahd von Zarovich - Draw one card from Places and Modifiers This is the object of your search! I see darkness and evil behind this card! It is a powerful man whose enemy is light, and whose powers are beyond mortality! Location of the Sunsword hilt - Draw one card from Places and Modifiers This card is good for you. ...

Monsters from Ravenloft I6 converted for use in OSE

Barovian Villagers The Barovians and their ancestors have lived in this valley for as long as anyone can remember. Their lives are deeply imbedded in their homes and their traditions . They are, by nature, very wary of strange peoples and customs, almost to the point of paranoia. Armour Class                9 [10] Hit Dice                          2 (9hp) Attacks                           1 × weapon (1d6 or by weapon)  THAC0                          18 [+1] Movement                    120’ (40’) Saving Throws              D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1) Morale                          6 Alignment    ...