
Showing posts from February, 2021

Session 1: Tomb of the Serpent Kings

 My group and I played through the first section of 'Tomb of the Serpent Kings' by Skerples this evening. My players and I are typically used to playing 5e and this is our attempt of moving away from that and trying something different. We had a session zero last week where we discussed what we want to do, what books I have that I can run and what I think would be good to start with. As it's billed as a dungeon for beginners to the OSR style of play we opted for Tomb of the Serpent Kings. The 3 players, Fighter, Magic-User and Thief respectively took a very cautious trek through the upper section of the tomb. We had our first (and so far only) death in one of the very first rooms! A lack of caution when breaking a clay statue, from the Thief caused the poor PC to die from asphyxiation as he choked to death on poison gas. (northerly room 2) As we are still getting to grips with this style of play, and dungeon. I allowed the player to either stick Jr. at the end of the name o...